Hi Maria, thanks for the response. I'd say to that there is always a risk that someone or something may leave us and to live in fear of that possibility is to potentially try and control/change/adapt ourselves to keep that thing. For me it's taken getting comfortable with the fact I can love and lose to truly let go in love - otherwise I'll always have a guard up. But there are ways to minimse the risk i.e, choosing people who aren't red flags from day one (more on the next point)...
On when a good time to invest is; I say when we're being met with mutual comittment, open communication and can sense they are interested in us. It's funny looking back on the times I invested when I shouldn't have, and the red flags were always there - I was just turning a blind eye to them. I also think that we can almost push away the people who are open and present secure love to us because we lack comfort in actually recieving that sort of connection.
I think when we have our own backs and aren't relying on being chosen it becomes much easier to take the risk of love. In that, if things DO go wrong - which they very well might, we can at least say we have ourselves.
Lot's to unpack but hopefully some of that resonated!
All the best,