The Key To Confidence
One of the major things I have noticed since beginning this project and talking/writing weekly has been the positive changes in my confidence. More now than ever I am feeling confident in my own skin and who I am. Why might that be and how can you develop your own confidence?
Well, a lack of confidence can simply be seen as a lack of belief and trust in ones ability to show up who they truly are. Someone lacking in confidence will more than likely believe that at their core they are inapt and as a result, will project that identity out to the people around them. They will be prone to staying small, people pleasing and ultimately following lifestyles that don’t align with their true authenticity. That was me, for a very long time. I truly believed that there was no value in my voice and I acted accordingly. I didn’t speak, I didn’t pursue my desires and I relied too much on other peoples opinions of me as a result. In all those areas I was cutting off the key thing that was stopping me from being confident, myself.
When we begin to show up as who we truly are and begin to pursue our own wants and needs, the game changes. Through pursuing what you know is true to you, you are co-currently sending a message back to yourself that you are worth it. Despite continued anxiety as I pursue this work, I am actively choosing on the daily to trust myself. Each day I am waking up and trusting my own intuition and deflecting anxious narratives within me that try and sway me back to silence. As a result, I show up in my life and in my work with an ever growing belief that I am being the truest authentic version of myself. That is where confidence comes from.
As I continue to follow my own truth the opinions of others begins to matter less and less. Once fearful of what other people may think, I now can return to myself in light of those fears. Inevitably, I fall back on the fact that my own self-expression and happiness is worth more than what others think — and just to be clear, I have not received any criticism or backlash but our minds often jump to these conclusions -.
So what is the key to confidence?
- It is awareness of who you are here today and who you wish to be
- It is the trust in your own judgment and character
- It is the ability to then express these qualities of in a respectful manner
- It is also the pursuit of your desires despite external factors
Have a look at the list and ask yourself if you can relate to these and if not, if there is some work you can be doing to step into your own authenticity and ultimately, your confidence.